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Canada Canada
Higher AwarenessSponsor
Higher Awareness Icon
A membership site offering transformational programs to create self discipline, know yourself, heal yourself, creativity, life purpose and manifesting.
780-462-2167 | View ProfileAlberta, Edmonton Canada
In2Deep CoralsSponsor
In2Deep Corals Icon
In2Deep Corals is the place hobbyists and Coral enthusiasts can go to purchase the highest quality corals, livestock and supplies they need to build and maintain their own salt water aquarium, all for an affordable price. We only offer and recommend products to our clients that we use personally and can ensure they are of the highest quality. We are first and foremost hobbyists ourselves and we get to supply the hobby with knowledge and high quality coral by doing what we love. We serve Brantford, Hamilton Cambridge, Guelph, Ancaster and the surrounding area.
905-981-9410 | View ProfileBrantford, Ontario Canada
Uhomestay Icon
Student Homestay Vancouver - UHomestay is based in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada, for international students Housing in Vancouver, Richmond. UHomestay strives to provide the right tools for students and host families to find the right match in a smooth and easy way.
7788719990 | View ProfileBurnaby, Canada
Black Hawk MiningSponsor
Black Hawk Mining Icon
Mining and metal industry news provider
Hamilton | View ProfileHamilton, Ontario Canada
Sustainable Hamilton BurlingtonSponsor
Sustainable Hamilton Burlington Icon
Sustainable Hamilton Burlington is a non-profit social enterprise. We inspire sustainability leadership within our businesses and other organizations. By helping businesses to realize economic benefits of triple-bottom- line sustainable business practices, we're harnessing the influence of this sector to create measurable, community-wide progress to greater sustainability.
(905) 570-8899 | View ProfileHamilton, Ontario Canada
Gifts That MatterSponsor
Gifts That Matter Icon
At Gifts That Matter, we have a variety of meaningful gifts, and relevant tips for charity. All these gifts are provided to children the chance for a healthy fulfilling childhood, as well as they give women equal opportunity to earn their own income.
(613) 237-0180 | View ProfileOttawa, Ontario Canada
Recyclage PSG MetalSponsor
Recyclage PSG Metal Icon
Recyclage PSG Metal est une entreprise de récupération de métaux dans la région de Québec et les environs. Nous ramassons le métal gratuitement pour le compte des particuliers et des commerçants. Nous desservons les villes suivantes: Québec, Lévis, L'Ancienne-Lorette, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury et La Beauce. Notre entreprise démonte également des structures métalliques, ramasse la vieille ferraille, des instruments agricoles, les électroménagers et tous métaux aux rebus.
(418) 931-6945 | View ProfileQuebec , G2K 1W6, Quebec Canada
Based in Scarborough, Ontario Environmental Alliance Party is a new political party that intends to change the face of politics in Ontario with new and bold policies. The party is people-centred and wants to find real solutions to the problems the citizens of Canada are currently facing. From protecting farmlands to withdrawing from unfair ''Free Trade Agreement'', their policies will help better the community. Their movement has a positive vision for this country and they plan to do better than it has ever been before. Browse through their website for more information.
(647) 529-8733 | View ProfileScarborough, Ontario Canada
Bridge to Care Inc.Sponsor
Bridge to Care Inc. Icon
Bridge to Care Inc. is a not-for-profit organization with our corporate office based in Spruce Grove, AB with branches in Edmonton and Red Deer and been providing health care and support for a variety of needs in rural areas of Alberta. We are different because we offer a broader variety of services than other agencies. A simple list of provided services is to imply that these are finite, and mutually exclusive, whereas this is seldom the case in health care. We consider our services a very broad form of respite and community aid (in itself, a form of respite for society). Specialized attention includes care for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, neurological disorders and other needs, persons of all ages with developmental disorders, nursing care for a variety of needs such as seniors care and dementia care, assistance and support through the various stages of pregnancy and childbirth, for accident victims, and other extensions in support of the community to address domestic violence and homelessness issues. We have clients that are supported from as little as one hour a week up to 24/7 dedication.Over the past year, Bridge to Care has established and confirmed the community need for the services provided. Frequently, these services are required by persons or families in some level of crisis where mainstream avenues of support can often not be available at the time of need. As Bridge to Care has become more established, other support agencies within the area, an
7805911000 | View ProfileSpruce Grove, Alberta Canada
Fishing Lake Metis SettlementSponsor
Fishing Lake Metis Settlement Icon
Fishing Lake Metis Settlement is an independent and self governing community in Alberta for metis people to use various resources like housing, membership, business, licenses, building permits, employment and more. Visit :
(780) 943-2202 | View ProfileSputinow, Alberta Canada
Engage and ChangeSponsor
Engage and Change Icon
Engage and Change is a charity that was created to foster good citizenship and encourage healthy communities by giving back. Engage and Change gives people and companies the opportunities to do hands-on group volunteer projects that assemble and build kits to assist in the alleviation of poverty.
647-725-2566 | View ProfileToronto, Ontario Canada
ArtsCan CircleSponsor
ArtsCan Circle Icon
ArtsCan Circle is a registered charity dedicated to linking creative artists with indigenous youth in northern indigenous communities. A Charitable organization with a mission to encourage the self-esteem of Indigenous youth in northern communities through a cooperative exploration of the arts.
905-836-9117 | View ProfileToronto, Ontario Canada
V-Love Icon
Best Quality Women's Personal Lubricant & Gel | V-Love. A natural moisturizing sexual desire lube that is pH balanced, water-based and latex-friendly just for her. Increase your pleasure and confidence today! V-Love. 950-1130 West Pender St, Vancouver, BC V6E 4A4. 604-893-9227.
604-893-9227 | View ProfileVancouver, BC Canada
terri Icon
Our organization serves public benefits and interests. Being a nonprofit, with recognition by the IRS, are tax-exempt.
View ProfileOntario, Canada
Non profitSponsor
non profit Icon
non profit
View Profiletoronto, Canada
32231 Icon
non profit
View ProfileOttawa, Canada
Doe Icon
non profit
View ProfileCalgary, Canada
Trader2b Icon
With Trader2b we provide the best opportunity for people to have the taste of success in trading. With our specially designed trading software the people have ensured success in the field of trading. Our Toro Challenge software has the accuracy of up to 95% in the trading market. You can quickly learn this software and acquire the skills needed to earn money in the market.
(800) 381-0026 | View ProfileMontreal, Quebec Canada
Non profitSponsor
non profit Icon
non profit
View Profiletoronto, Canada
Non profitSponsor
non profit Icon
non profit
View Profiletoronto, Canada
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