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Olympic Flame Japan
TMC JapanSponsor
TMC Japan Icon
Respected as a leading recruiter of bilingual technology talent, TMC Japan places mid-level and executive candidates in hard-to-fill positions with global IT and telecommunications clients. Founded in 2003 by Nick Pollock and fellow Managing Partner Karl Caldeira, TMC Japan continues in its vision of operating as the leading source of technology talent across the Asia-Pacific region. The firm employs a systematized business approach that leverages the talents of its industry-specialized staff, who are equipped with database technologies and other tools to achieve efficient service delivery. This labor-intensive approach ensures that client needs are fully understood before any candidate recommendation is advanced.The strength of the tmcjapan team lies in its vast knowledge and expertise as well as niche competencies in industry sectors including semiconductors, software and hardware systems, and telecommunications. This expertise allows TMC Japan to identify premier-quality candidates for listings requiring specific and often advanced qualifications. The ethos of the TMC Japan's larger team follows on the talents and examples of its founders. Originally in the service of HM Armed Forces, Mr. Caldeira subsequently provided senior recruitment services at the London Clearing House and other respected technology concerns in London. Mr. Pollock pursued studies at Australia’s La Trobe University, where he earned a degree in business and marketing.
View ProfileTokyo, Japan
GigaFile Icon
Japanese file sharing service. Unlimited free cloud storage.
+815319418839 | View ProfileTokyo, Tokyo-to Japan
Profitive Icon is a unique IoT discovery site and a connecting hub to find the best professionals and solutions for IoT community. We are building a comprehensive IoT database, and if you are a Company, Business, Enthusiast, Maker or Professional with IoT offering, we ask you to join others and create your free profile page and showcase your products, projects, services, information and solutions.
- | View ProfileTokyo, Japan
AWAKENING GK Icon is operated by AWAKENING LLC. The head office is located in the ancient city of Kamakura and provides IT services to the Tokyo metropolitan area. In May 2019, we launched Awakening Hosting, a rental server site, followed by another concept of AWH in July of the same year. | | Business Phone: +81 8043440993 | | Hours Of Operation: 24x7 | | Area served: Japan | | Products Offer: Rental Server | | Payment Methods: Credit card, bank transfer, virtual currency, PayPal
+81 8043440993 | View ProfileKamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture Japan
Blue Yonder DEMAND PLANNING Fulfillment trainingSponsor
Blue Yonder DEMAND PLANNING Fulfillment training Icon
This Blue Yonder DEMAND PLANNING Fulfillment training covers concepts from Basic levelto advance level.  Whether you are individual or corporate client we can customize trainingcourse content as per your requirement.  And can arrange this Blue Yonder DEMANDPLANNING Fulfillment training as per your pace.MaxMunus's Blue Yonder Demand Fulfillment training will introduce you to Blue YonderSCPO and Blue Yonder Demand. The course will cover Blue Yonder Demand table structuresand Master Data along with Demand process. Blue Yonder Demand Fulfillment training willalso cover topics like Key tables, columns, objects. You will also learn about Blue YonderFulfillment process and concepts etc.Complete Customization of Blue Yonder DEMAND PLANNING Fulfillment training’s coursecontent is possible for Individual student and for Corporate.  Blue Yonder DEMANDPLANNING Fulfillment online training is available for individual and for corporate we mayarrange the classroom as well. For more information on Blue Yonder DEMAND PLANNINGFulfillment training do connect us.
+919035888988 | View ProfileTokyo, Japan
IBM MaaS360 TrainingSponsor
IBM MaaS360 Training Icon
This IBM MaaS360 training covers concepts from Basic level to advance level.  Whether you areindividual or corporate client we can customize training course content as per your requirement.  Andcan arrange this IBM MaaS360 training as per your pace.IBM MaaS360 was a product of Fiberlink Communications, which was later purchased by IBM. IBMMaaS360 is generally used as a Remote Management tool for any company. This remote tool isspecifically used to enroll devices such as android, iPhone, Mac computers through which one can wipedata, reset passwords, create users for access, deploy apps, and locate our phones as well. IBM MaaS360was originally introduced as a Cloud-Hosted solution; later an on-premises solution wasdeveloped.Complete Customization of IBM MaaS360 training’s course content is possible for Individual student andfor Corporate.  IBM MaaS360 online training is available for individual and for corporate we may arrangethe classroom as well. For more information on IBM MaaS360 training do connect us.
+919035888988 | View ProfileTokyo, Japan
Pega job supportSponsor
Pega job support Icon
If you are working on Pega products and facing any problem while working on it and you want tooutsource Pega project then MaxMunus is just a Call/E-mail away to provide you Pega help. Weprovide Pega Online Job Support for professionals to help them perform their tasks on Pega products.We have a wide range of Pega subject matter experts. They exclusively work with us as Pegafreelancers.  We provide Pega job support to individual as well as Corporate Clients. For individuals, weprovide Pega freelancers who will do Pega job support or Pega project support in their project remotelyvia online. For Corporate Clients, we provide a Pega freelancer who provides project support for theirIT projects. Our Pega freelancer can provide end to end Pega project support as well as Pegaimplementation support.Hire Pega Freelancer (Subject matter expert) & get online Pega job support from 1 hour to 1-yearcontract assignment. Get Pega job support in projects on time, within budget, with a high level ofquality, and meet the customer’s current & future challenges. Outsource Pega project and our exclusiveSME work closely with your business to ensure you get the most out of your IT solutions, offeringsystem implementation solutions, resources, and training. Our technical crew has deep expertise in Pegaproducts and solutions and has the ability to implement complex solutions as well as provide Pega jobsupport on projects across anywhere in the world. We can provide
+919035888988 | View ProfileTokyo, Japan
TELUS International AI Data SolutionsSponsor
TELUS International AI Data Solutions Icon
TELUS International supports a global community of 1 million+ members who help our customers collect, enhance, train, translate and localize their content to build better AI models. Our AI Community is diverse, talented and vibrant. We welcome people of all backgrounds, capabilities and circumstances - and we remain deeply committed to fostering a fair, equal and healthy environment in which all community members can thrive.
View ProfileJapan, Japan
??? ?????? HailoAI ????? | ???? ?????? AI & ???? ????? ???????Sponsor
??? ?????? HailoAI ????? | ???? ?????? AI & ???? ????? ???????  Icon
0949959723 | View ProfileTokyo, Japan
Varidata Icon
Varidata provides dedicated server hosting services in Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas regions such as the United States and Japan, providing a portfolio of solutions that include CN2, 1Gbps Bandwidth, Anti DDoS, SEO, GPU and more We also offer flexible product configuration options to meet your cross border business needs.
0000000000 | View ProfileKyoto, Honshu Japan
Simple Point provides a cloud-based point cloud processing work order request system that connects surveying companies in Japan with subcontractors, facilitating seamless communication, work order management, and deliverable exchange.
03-6822-8754 | View ProfileShibuya, ???????? Japan