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Olympic Flame Latvia
Claimotion Icon
Claimotion is an all-in-one flight compensation claim management tool. It's built to work with ompensation claims that fall under the Regulation EC261/2004 (European flight compensation regulation). Suitable both for existing claim agencies and those who are only starting out in the business.
View ProfileRiga, Latvia
Galaksion.comSponsor Icon
Hi, I am Valdis, I do my preferred business writing advertisements. If you require a website promotion, you could always contact us . We will be pleased to collaborate. I'm an SMM expert. The eyes start to slide, the mind sinks first into the torso and then to the desk. There's a feeling of lightness and indifference in the body, and a particular calm emptiness at the head. The voice of somebody at home, suggesting we go to bed immediately, most frequently brings us out of this condition. And generally to stop those midnight vigils at the computer. Which adds neither mind nor health. When the sudden burst of inspiration and thoughts eventually dries up, and gradually dawn slowly creeps outside the window, then we relax into a really short nap. Peaceful and with a feeling of honestly completed work. But often in the middle of the night a surprising jolt or a totally incomprehensible sound suddenly awakens us from our calm nation of oblivion. In vain efforts to determine what it implies, sleep gradually passes away. It's substituted by a host of distinct notions, which again begin to swarm in the still half-asleep head. Sending content, checking email, withdrawing cash, running an internet search engine, picking keywords, rummaging through the shock file, sketching the design. Dig up another sea of articles, systematize it, and examine it completely.
View ProfileRiga, Latvia
Emphasoft Icon
Emphasoft is an international full-stack development company emphasizing bespoke software solutions.We specialize exclusively in software development for startups, small, & midsize businesses.
View ProfileRiga, Latvia