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Olympic Flame Poland
Holy Masses live onlineSponsor
Holy Masses live online Icon
If you practice Google calendar you have permission to append the Holy Mass stream to your own calendar. If you want to watch the Holy Mass now get through on the link ''Watch online Holy Mass''. and the broadcast live broadcast website opens automatically. Later you can see the Holy Mass online. This webpage was created for the sick people, home bound and for those who, due to other major causes, could not went to Mass; or those who, due to their travel, do not have churches to go to. We expect our webpage will help our sisters and brothers in faith to watch the Holy Mass live online wherever they are.
+48 22 2541313 | View ProfilePolska, Poland
Lie detection methodsSponsor
lie detection methods Icon
Lie detection methods are designed to know if the person is lying. It can force people to confess to what they have done and allow the other partner to judge them and decide if they want to continue with their relationship or drift apart.
53 344 64 15 | View ProfileWarsaw, mazowsze Poland
Serwis Buki pomaga uczniom i nauczycielom szybko znalezc siebie nawzajem. W ciagu kilku minut mozecie znalezc korepetytora w swoim miescie z takimi preferencjami, które Panstwa interesuja. Nastepnie trzeba tylko wypelnic formularz kontaktowy i juz tego samego dnia umówic sie na korepetycje.
+48 22 602 23 67 | View Profilewarsaw, Poland
At the Easy English PAULINA WALENDUKANIS Language Center, we offer English courses for children, teens, and adults. Our experienced teachers provide lessons in German, Spanish, and even for companies to help motivate and improve your qualifications. To learn more, call us at 532 502 726.
532 502 726 | View ProfileSochaczew, Poland
Francofon.ES Icon
Francofon.ES - is an inspiring environment that has helped many students and teachers to learn and develop. Thanks to our unique program, students are ready to take the next steps in their foreign language learning path and they do so with confidence and self-confidence.
8117448060 | View ProfileCracow, Poland
kizicolor Icon
We offer you the largest online collection of free printable coloring pages for children!
View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
Nondos89 Icon
Specjalistyczny portal skupiajacy sie na korepetycjach z róznego rodzaju dziedzin. Jest to serwis zalozony z mysla w glównej mierze o osobach uczacych sie, jak równiez o doswiadczonych korepetytorach.
View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
Clever Szkola Jezyków ObcychSponsor
Clever Szkola Jezyków Obcych Icon
Phone:788 357 527Clever Szkola Jezyków Obcych jest miejscem, gdzie nauka jezyka angielskiego jest prosta i przyjemna. Dzieki funkcjonujacego w placówce finskiego systemu edukacji nauke jezyka obcego moga juz zaczac nawet 4-latki. Szkola stawia na umiejetnosci swobodnej konwersacji i latwosci w wyrazaniu wlasnych mysli nie tylko dla najmlodszych uczestników, ale takze dla tych doroslych. W ofercie znajduje sie równiez przygotowanie mlodziezy do egzaminu ósmoklasisty, przygotowanie do matury, a takze do miedzynarodowych egzaminów Cambridge.
788 357 527 | View ProfileLódz, Poland
Leader School KoninSponsor
Leader School Konin Icon
Using the Leo English method, Leader School Konin is the number one choice for helping your young learner develop their English skills. With this effective learning method, your child will better understand and write in English. Learn more about our program or register online at
63 226 22 26 | View ProfileKoni, Poland
Maszek55 Icon
Internet dostarcza uczniom wiele ciekawych mozliwosci lepszego przygotowania sie do testów. Wystarczy zajrzec na strone internetowa, na której znajduja sie sprawdziany z odpowiedziami ukladane przez kompetentnych pedagogów w oparciu o aktualna podstawa programowa.
View ProfileWarsaw, warsaw Poland
ITeh Standards StoreSponsor
iTeh Standards Store Icon
Source for standards, engineering specifications, manuals, and technical publications from ISO, IEC, DIN, CEN, Cenelec, ETSI and SIST.iTeh Inc is a software development and IT consulting team of professionals who provide consulting, development and implementation of solutions for all types of businesses.In cooperation, with the Slovenian Institute of Standardization (SIST), we create a unique solution that covers all aspects of the lifecycle of Standardization organizations. iTeh Standards is a part of the solution that helps SIST to provide and sell their products to Customers.
4159938302 | View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
Leader School LódzSponsor
Leader School Lódz Icon
Strona glówna - Leader School Lódz Baluty provides effective English lessons online through the BLS, LEO Maniak, and LEO learning methods. Designed for children and adults, our teaching solutions are catered to each student. Find out more at
42 657 06 00 | View Profile90-001 Lódz, Poland
Ditto.Say it.Sponsor
Ditto.Say it. Icon
Zapraszamy serdecznie do nauki jezyka obcego w naszej szkole. Oferujemy nauczanie jezyka obcego online. W naszej ofercie jest nauka jezyka obcego (niemiecki, wloski, francuski, angielski, szwedzki, polski, norweski, hiszpanski) a takze kursy jezykowe dla dzieci online. Nauczanie jezyka online jest bardzo wygodne, poniewaz Ty sam decydujesz kiedy i w jakich godzinach chcesz korzystac z zajec jezykowych. System nauki opiera sie na bardzo wygodnej platformie Zoom zamiast tradycyjnych podreczników do nauki. Zajecia prowadza doswiadczeni native speakerzy i lektorzy.
531017744 | View ProfileKraków, Poland
Szkolenia Biznesowe oraz PersonalneSponsor
Szkolenia Biznesowe oraz Personalne Icon
DO ITWE COMBINE THE POTENTIAL OF TWO COMPANIESSKYWAY AND CONTACT. In 2019-2021, we organized approximately 300 training sessions together.We provide stationary and internet training.Our achievements include ''open training'' designed for individual participants, and training for companies - ''tailored'' to the expectations and industry of the client. We also obtain subsidies for our clients. We have already obtained a total of over PLN 6 million. Together, we can do more, that's why we've joined forces.The fruit of this is DO IT!… We are already here, it's time for you ?? We are here to help you.
+48 576 910 252 | View ProfileWroclaw, Lower Silesia Poland
Leader School KrakówSponsor
Leader School Kraków Icon
Are you interested in brushing up on your foreign language skills? Join thousands of students that have learned a foreign language with courses from Leader School Kraków. Our programs are available for children and adults and use the BLS communications method. Visit our website to learn more.
12 658 61 15 | View Profile31-802 Kraków, Poland
Arabic DawateislamiSponsor
Arabic Dawateislami Icon
The official website belongs to the Islamic Call Center, which was established by His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Elias Al-Attar Al-Qadri, may God Almighty protect him, to spread the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah, da'wah, education and send preachers to call to God in the world.
021-111-252-692 | View ProfileSan Francisco, Poland
Szkola Jezykowa Union JackSponsor
Szkola Jezykowa Union Jack Icon
Union Jack offers an easier way for preschoolers and students to learn English. If you're located in Poland and are looking for a language school that cares and uses the top methods for English learning, look no further. We teach interesting and true information from the National Geographic learning program and implement memory techniques to learn vocabulary.Phone:608 064 313
608 064 313 | View ProfileRzeszów 35-010, Poland
Odrabiamy Icon
Strona, która pozwoli kazdemu uczniowi rozwiazac zadanie domowe oraz poprawic oceny w szkole!
View ProfileKraków, Poland
Hurghada Diving - Scuba Diving Center In Hurghada, Course PADISponsor
Hurghada Diving - Scuba Diving Center In Hurghada, Course PADI Icon
Hurghada Diving invites you to explore the unforgettable underwater world of the Red Sea. We offer a variety of excursions and classes every day to get to know the unsurpassed variety underwater.Our day trips on the boat included transfer from and to the hotel, two dives at various dive sites, as well as food and all this combined with a lot of fun.Our day trips are suitable for everyone, whether for professionals, advanced or beginners
101-7736-340 | View ProfileWarsaw, Poland
INFINITY, located in Kraków, is an accredited and engaging educational center aimed at children, youth, and adults. While we offer language and mathematics courses for kids from age 3, adults also benefit from Infinity’s language programs. Sign up with Infinity today at +48 123 125 161.
+48 123 125 161 | View Profile31-231 Kraków, Poland
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