Romania |
EtitechSponsor |
Custom Label and Sticker Printing Services for food packaging, bottles, mailing, health and beauty, and other retail products. |
0040772117224 | View ProfileBrasov, Romania |
Euro LabelsSponsor |
We manufacture innovative self-adhesive industrial labels that increase efficiency in terms of product identifying, manufacturing, handling, storing and shipping.Our experience and knowledge allow us to recommend the right labelling solutions, from material selection to printing treatment.We design our solutions based on a detailed analyze of the labelling aspects for individual application, in order to safely and clearly display data on a variety of surfaces.Since most of our products are on demand labels, we closely work with each customer to determine the optimum solution. |
0217961678 | View ProfileBucharest, State / Province Romania |
PrintingmallSponsor |
Pe Printingmall.ro gasiti o selectie variata care include imprimanta perfecta pentru fiecare nevoie specifica: imprimanta color pentru printuri vibrante, imprimanta monocrom pentru claritatea documentelor in alb si negru, imprimanta laser pentru eficienta si rapiditate, si imprimanta inkjet pentru flexibilitate si calitate superioara a imprimarii. Fie ca este vorba despre o imprimanta A4, ideala pentru documentele standard, sau despre o imprimanta A3, excelenta pentru materialele de dimensiuni mai mari, portofoliul nostru este conceput sa raspunda cerintelor diverse ale clientilor nostri. Imprimanta A4 - https://www.printingmall.ro/shop/category/echipamente-de-birou-imprimante-multifunctionale-a4-41 Imprimanta A3 - https://www.printingmall.ro/shop/category/echipamente-de-birou-multifunctionala-imprimanta-a3-37 Imprimanta Color - https://www.printingmall.ro/shop/category/echipamente-de-birou-imprimante-multifunctionale-color-100 Imprimanta Monocrom - https://www.printingmall.ro/shop/category/echipamente-de-birou-imprimante-multifunctionale-monocrom-101- Imprimanta Laser - https://www.printingmall.ro/shop/category/imprimante-multifunctionale-laser-95 Imprimanta Inkjet - https://www.printingmall.ro/shop/category/imprimante-multifunctionale-inkjet-94 |
0746217503 | View ProfileBacau, Bacau Romania |